Capturing Family Memories with Oral Histories

We find ourselves in a world-wide genealogy craze, as a variety of DNA testing options have become available and increasingly affordable, and a wide array of genealogy websites invite those who are mildly curious about their ancestry to dive in—sometimes hooking them into a life-long passion. But what many people discover when they begin their genealogy research is that the most important source of information about your family is your living relatives’ memories—of their own family experiences as well as the stories passed down to them through the generations. Increasingly our Greatest Generation is passing on, taking vital information about relatives and our family stories with them.

Capturing the facts and stories about our family by asking our relatives questions is called an “oral history.” These can take the form of relatively informal question and answer sessions around a dinner table recorded by hand, to a more structured interview involving audio or video recordings that can later be edited together to provide a valuable family media archive. However you choose to approach gathering and compiling this information, there are a few basic “best practices” to keep in mind as follows.

Collaborate with other family members. Brainstorm with as many family members as you can before starting an oral history. Discuss who are the most important people to interview and what people think the key things are that need to be recorded—whether that be missing facts about relatives who have passed—names, places and dates which will be helpful in building a picture of your family tree, or the more personal family stories and traditions. It is also useful to include as many accounts of the same information as possible, since people will have different memories of the same event.

Define your project. Clarity is key. Telling an entire family history in any form is a daunting project, so start with specific questions on information you wish to know. Start by gathering short vignettes. Maybe there’s a critical aspect of your own childhood you’d like to recapture such as a memorable family vacation. Often we are trying to identify facts we may not know about specific relatives, or where our family originated and how we got to where we are today. The whole story can’t be told overnight, but as you collect these separate anecdotes, the larger story will begin to emerge.

Have a list of questions ready. Experts advise framing questions in a way that invites expansive answers. Ask about early memories, or about happiest (and saddest) moments. The idea is to get a conversation started. StoryCorps, the oral history project created by the American Folklife Center, offers suggested questions and an interactive guide ( great-questions).

Techniques for recording information. While hand-written notes may be necessary when trying to record information on the fly, you probably already have the most useful tool for an oral history in your pocket. Smartphones can be used very successfully for video or audio documentation. Also, video conferencing services such as Skype and FaceTime offer recording options for interviewing distant relatives. If you choose to create a video of your interviews, easy-to-use software such as Apple’s iMovie and Microsoft’s Movie Maker are preinstalled on your computer.

Collecting and compiling oral histories entail effort and planning, but in the end, they bring generations of families together and foster an appreciation for listening and telling stories.

By Caren Parnes

For The Senior’s Choice

Reevaluating Your Investments in an Uncertain Market

While most economic experts agree that the fundamentals of the economy are sound, many market watchers are beginning to ask the question: Is this Bull coming to an end? 2018 has been a year of uncertainty, and most financial advisors are recommending investors revisit their portfolios with at least an eye to rebalancing. Here are some suggestions for weathering a potential downturn in the market.

Know that you have the resources to weather a crisis. If you’re retired, knowing that you have the next couple years’ worth of living expenses in a bank account—and several more years in bonds that mature when you need the money—can help keep you calm and clear-headed. You might think you are risk tolerant, but if you haven’t structured your investments to handle a sharp drop, your financial capacity to handle risk may change your attitude when the market does drop.

Match your money to your goals. Map out a plan that takes into account what you’re saving for, whether near-term expenses or future financial goals like retirement. Structure your portfolio to match those goals. Money that you’ll need in the short term or that you can’t afford to lose—the down payment on a home, for example—is best invested in relatively stable assets, such as money market funds, certificates of deposit (CDs) or Treasury bills. Goals that need funding in three to five years should be addressed with a mixture of investment-grade bonds and CDs. For money you won’t need for five or more years, consider assets with the potential to grow, such as stocks, which are more volatile. Your allocation should also account for your time horizon and risk tolerance.

Remember: Downturns don’t last. The Schwab Center for Financial Research looked at both bull and bear markets in the S&P 500 going back to the late ’60s and found that the average bull ran for more than four years, delivering an average return of nearly 140%. The average bear market lasted a little longer than a year, delivering an average loss of 34.7%. The longest of the bears was a little more than two years—and was followed by a nearly five-year bull run. No bull market endures forever, but neither does a bear. And historically the market’s upward movement has prevailed over the declines.

Keep your portfolio diversified. Let’s say there is a slump—what is the best way to insulate against losses? Being well diversified is a preventive measure you can take now. Being diversified means you have a wide variety of investment grade bonds—corporate, municipals, Treasuries and possibly foreign issues. And they should have varying maturity dates, from short-term to mid-term, so you always have some bonds maturing and providing you with either income or money to reinvest. Your long-term assets should be divvied up among a wide array of domestic stocks—big and small, fast-growing and dividend-paying—as well as international stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs) and commodities. This mix of assets gives you enough diversity that it provides a cushion in your portfolio if specific parts of the market are taking a hit so your exposure in a downturn is lessened.

Include cash in your portfolio. Cash in your portfolio offers protection against volatility, and cash reserves can come in handy in down markets. With cash you can buy in when prices are attractively low—without having to sell securities at a loss, if they are also at a low point.

Find an expert you can count on. If you’re not sure how to structure your portfolio correctly, or you think you’d be tempted to do something rash in a market slide, you should find a financial professional you trust to collaborate with you. That person can walk you through a complete portfolio review and help prepare you and your portfolio for times when the market gets tough.

By Caren Parnes

For The Senior’s Choice

Our Caregiver of the Season Winner is Priscilla Rocha!

We wish to congratulate our Winter 2018 Caregiver of the Season, Priscilla Rocha!  Priscilla has been a caregiver with HomeLife Senior Care since December of 2016 and she has positively contributed to our team ever since!  Right away Priscilla had a smile on her face and it was evident that she was confident in her work.  Our office staff appreciates her dedication to HomeLife and our clients love having her.  Priscilla’s compassion for her clients is truly remarkable and we are honored to recognize her achievements.  Our scheduling department expressed, “Priscilla is extremely responsive and communicates on a regular basis with us, along with being punctual to all of her shifts.”  Attributes like communication and punctuality are a large part of being a successful caregiver, along with compassion and showing initiative, all qualities Priscilla demonstrates.  We admire her level of professionalism.  Communicating with her is pleasant and she is always on top of things.  Caregivers like Priscilla standout to us, and we want to recognize what they add to HomeLife Senior Care.

We are very fortunate to have Priscilla as part of our team!

— Kara Wasserman

Home Care Aide Director

Tips for Organizing Health Information


A trip to the emergency room made me realize why caregivers are advised to organize heath information. When Mom broke her hip, I called an ambulance. When it arrived, I confidently recited Mom’s Medicare number. When asked what medications she took, I pulled out our basket of pill bottles. At the hospital, the questions got more complicated. Still, I knew enough to fill out the forms.
However, while I did not know it then, I would be joining Mom in the hospital the next day with an emergency of my own that kept me in the hospital for six weeks. As we both recovered, I looked for the best way to store her health information. I especially wanted an easy way to share it with others in case I am not around.

I now have a folder for paperwork that is portable and easy to maintain. It isn’t just for emergencies. We take it to every doctor visit. Now anyone who has the folder can see when Mom had her last flu shot, what medications she takes and that she had a malignant mole removed in 1981. We can all see when all medical appointments are scheduled. Even my brother, who lives at a distance, could answer medical questions if he had to take Mom to the doctor while visiting.

Information to collect

You probably have most of this information readily available. If not, begin with what you have and add information as you can. Useful information to collect includes: A medical history; health insurance and Medicare cards; a list of medications including dosages, frequency, date started and reason; a list of emergency contacts, relationship, addresses and all phone numbers; any special logs such as blood pressure readings, blood sugar levels or symptoms; a copy of a health care proxy, advanced directives or living will; and a power-of-attorney, if one is used.

What should you keep in a medical history?

Names of all physicians; known allergies or reactions to medications; all medications, including over-the-counter medicines, vitamins and herbs; health conditions and date of diagnosis; dates of most recent exams, tests and immunizations; dates and reasons for hospitalizations; dates and details of surgeries; dates and length of major illnesses; history of smoking and use of alcohol; location of living will or medical directives; history of exposure to dangerous conditions or hazards; family history including illnesses or conditions of parents and siblings; cause of death of parents and siblings and their age at death.

Recording and storing the information

While the primary copy of the health information is more practical to keep in physical form due to various cards, forms and original documents that are part of the medical record, it is highly recommended that at least the medical history also be recorded digitally so that a “backup” copy is available in case of emergencies, disasters, or as the need arises to provide other family members or doctors with the information if needed remotely.

  • For the primary copy, use a pocket folder or small three-ring binder that will hold several pages. We purchased a multi-page presentation folder with clear pockets from an office supply store.
  • Use a bold color for the cover, such as red or yellow, so that it is easy to distinguish from other papers. Label the front clearly: EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION.
  • Keep the folder in a handy location, such as a desk drawer near the entry. Make sure every potential caregiver knows where it is kept.
  • Use top loading, clear sheet protectors to hold papers. These make it easy to remove papers for photocopying or for handing to a healthcare worker.
  • Pick up a business card from each healthcare provider you see. Cards usually contain the name, specialty, address, phone and fax number. There are vinyl business card holders available at office supply stores that are the most practical way to store business cards.
  • Each time you have an appointment, take the reminder card or jot the appointment details on a 3X5 card. Slip these cards into a page protector just as you did the business cards to keep a record of the visit.
  • When you add any information to a document, put the date at the top of the page to show how current the data is.

With a Medical History in hand,  I will never again have to phone a doctor’s office to relay information I didn’t have with me at the appointment, and I’m confident that if I’m not around, someone else can tell the emergency room doctors what they need to know about my loved one.

by Kathy Porter

How to Safely Assist a Loved One After a Fall

Senior falls can be very frightening for both the senior and the caregiver. And once in this situation, caregivers are often unprepared for how to get an aging loved one safely back on their feet. How to proceed will depends upon whether the senior was injured in the fall. If there is any question, it is always wisest to call 911 for help. If you do not feel able to assist your loved one, first responders are experienced in getting patients on their feet safely, and can confirm that they don’t need to go to the hospital. If you do wish to assist your loved one yourself, it is best to educate yourself on the steps necessary to safely get your loved one up after a fall, and avoid injuring yourself in the process.

Following are steps that can help you get a loved one upright, without hurting them or yourself in the process. Only attempt to help the person if you feel that both of you are able to safely work together. Otherwise, call for assistance. Again, these strategies should only be used when you are confident your loved one hasn’t sustained an injury. Excess movement can cause further harm.

Steps for Assisting a Senior After a Fall

  • Have your loved one lie still for a few moments. Stay calm yourself, and help your loved one to remain calm by encouraging them to take slow, deep breaths.
  • While lying in place, have them perform a self-assessment to determine if they are injured. Ask them if they are experiencing any pain, where it is located and how severe it is. Examine them yourself for injuries like bruises, bleeding, possible sprains and broken bones.
  • If they have a serious injury (like a broken bone), then don’t move them. Call 911 and keep your loved one as warm, comfortable and as still as possible until help arrives.
  • If they aren’t hurt and they want to get up, proceed slowly. Stop and call for help if at any point they experience pain or become too fatigued to get all the way up.
  • Note: Your responsibility in this process is to guide them through these steps and keep them steady, not lift their weight. Your loved one needs to be capable of doing the physical work required to get up. If they cannot do this, then call 911.
  • Find two sturdy chairs. Place one near the senior’s head and the other down by their feet. First, help your loved one roll over onto their side. Have them rest on their side for a few moments to allow their body and blood pressure to adjust.
  • Next, assist them in getting from their side onto their hands and knees. You may wish to place a towel beneath their knees to make this step more comfortable.
  • Move the chair closest to their head directly in front of where they are so that they can place their hands evenly on the seat and assume a kneeling position.
  • Ask your loved one to lean forward on the seat and help them bring their strongest leg forward, leading with the knee to place their foot flat on the floor. The senior should look like they are in a kneeling lunge at the end of this step.
  • Move the second chair directly behind the senior, and have them use both their arms and legs to push themselves up and sit back into the second chair. You can help keep your loved one steady, but keep your back upright and make sure they are doing the physical work to lift themselves.
  • Let the senior rest in a seated position until you are confident they can stand and move around without falling again.
  • It is important to notify their doctor that they have had a fall, and to monitor them for emerging pain or any signs of injury.
  • The following link provides a video that gives visual step-by-step instruction for a slightly modified procedure for getting the senior off the floor when a bed or sofa is close by:

    Fall Prevention Strategies

    Family members can work together to devise solutions to minimize the risk of falls in your loved one’s home. Small modifications like eliminating trip hazards, installing grab bars and improving lighting can greatly reduce risk. We have resources available to assess a senior’s risk for falls and provide strategies to avoid them. We invite you to call for more information about this topic.

    By Caren Parnes for The Senior’s Choice

Some of the Ways Wearables are Helping Seniors

Most of us think of wearables in terms of smartwatches and fitness trackers, gadgets that can help us be fitter and more efficient. But for some people, they’re far more important than that—these wearables are the difference between dependency and freedom. Wearables for seniors are fast becoming an essential way to keep them safe and healthy. There is some impressive technologically available—or on the horizon—to improve the lives of those later in life, and they are easy enough for even the most averse of technophobes to use safely and happily.

1. Keeping them safe

One of the best-known uses for wearables for seniors safely connects them to relatives or emergency services in the event of an accident, even if they’re unable to call for help themselves. UnaliWear’s KanegaWatch can detect falls and long periods of non-movement and raise the alarm. Working through voice control, the watch notices if the wearer has been immobile for a while and asks if they’re OK. If there’s no response, the device can contact designated people or the emergency services. It also records some location information so it can guide the wearer home if they get lost. The wearable even offers medication reminders at appropriate times, reading out dosage instructions if the user asks for them. Similarly, the CarePredict wearable monitors sleep, personal care and daily patterns, alerting caregivers if something seems out of the ordinary: If the wearer used the bathroom more than usual last night, for instance, or got up later than they normally do. Lively’s Safety Watch system goes a step further, using a home hub connected to a series of sensors around the home to check that medication’s been taken, meals haven’t been missed and the user is moving around as normal.

2. Keeping them nearby

To monitor seniors with conditions like dementia, a critical need can now be met through technology. The upcoming Proximity Button, invented by the daughter of a dementia caregiver, is designed to be an effective and affordable way to keep loved ones safe without intrusive tracking. Connecting to the caregiver’s phone with Bluetooth, the button simply sends an alert when the patient goes out of bounds. The Proximity Button will begin crowdfunding this summer through Indiegogo.

3. Saving them from falls

One of the biggest concerns for older people is the risk of falls. One of the more radical ways tech firms are addressing this is by developing wearable airbags that automatically deploy when a fall is detected. Products by companies like ActiveProtective and the Wolk Company are worn as belts, making them less intrusive and noticeable. Packed inside the ActiveProtective belt is a folded airbag, a fall-detection system and a gas inflation mechanism to quickly open the airbag when the wearer is falling.

4. Giving them freedom

Some of the health problems that can affect older people aren’t so easy to talk about. The Japanese manufacturer Triple W opens their Dfree website with the memorable words: “Two years ago I got sudden diarrhea and pooped my pants on the street.” While most of us would never speak of this again, in this case it led to the development of a device that claims to predict bowel movements, allowing users to plan ahead and get to a bathroom in time. Using an ultrasound wearable belted around your stomach, Dfree sends a notification to the accompanying app on your phone to let you know how much time you have. This could avoid the kind of incident that decimates older people’s confidence and makes them less willing to leave the house.

This is just a sampling of the variety of tech solutions for senior care that are now coming available—and we should expect more innovations in the years to come.

A Great Summer Activity: Aquatic Exercise for Seniors

Many seniors have found that working out in the water is an excellent way to improve their overall well-being, from providing a variety of physical benefits to offering social time and a trip out of the house. The unique properties of water provide seniors with the opportunity to get relief from painful physical conditions such as arthritis and circulatory problems while deriving the benefits of low-impact exercise in an environment that minimizes the risk of injury.

Why Water?

Cardiovascular exercise and weight loss are common benefits of any type of aerobic exercise, but exercising while submerged in water provides some distinct advantages that set aquatic exercise apart from land-based activity.

Age-related joint conditions like arthritis can be a painful impediment to a senior’s capability (and enthusiasm) for exercising. But water-based exercise puts significantly less stress on joints, allowing them to enjoy these activities for longer periods of time, and can also provide some relief from these chronic conditions. Swimming can also be relaxing and meditative, which may offer some stress relief, adding to its cardiovascular benefits.

The Physical Benefits of Water Exercise

Cardio: It doesn’t matter if a senior is water-jogging or swimming—using the water to get their heart rate up will increase aerobic capacity, burn fat, and decrease their risk for heart disease.

Balance: Reduced muscle tone and vision loss can affect senior coordination and increase their risk of falling. Aquatic exercise is a great way to help improve balance. Doing specific balance exercises in water helps build strength and coordination. Water provides the ideal environment for this type of exercise, safely allowing for a loss of balance, since their water-induced buoyancy will prevent them from falling.

Strength: Working with water “bar bells” or wrist bands can provide a great form of resistance-training which helps build muscle strength and endurance without injury.

Work Out and Get Out

Socializing is an overlooked added benefit of many types of senior group activities, and aquatic exercise is a prime opportunity to get out of the isolation of the home and into a social environment—and in the case of outdoor pools, enjoying some sun (with sun protection, of course).

Studies have shown that the opportunity to socialize is one of the key reasons elderly people will maintain a successful exercise program. Group exercise classes provide an ideal opportunity for conversation.

Whether that be an exercise class, individual standing exercises, or swimmers using kickboards to kick side-by-side, there are many opportunities in the pool to socialize.

Getting Started

If you haven’t been swimming in a while, start slowly. Try swimming laps for just five to ten minutes while coordinating your breathing, strokes, and kicking. A pair of well-fitting goggles is a must. A less strenuous option is just walking or running in water. Water aerobics classes are offered at a variety of levels, and often specifically for seniors. Check out your local senior center, community center, or YMCA for their Summer offerings for seniors.


By Caren Parnes

For The Senior’s Choice

Our Caregiver of the Season Winner is Shawntoya Gordon!

We wish to congratulate our Summer 2018 Caregiver of the Season, Shawntoya Gordon!  Shawntoya has been a caregiver with HomeLife Senior Care since August of 2014 and it has been such a pleasure to have her on our team!  Shawntoya’s empathetic and caring heart shows through the dedication and compassion she gives her clients.  She is very loyal to her clients and commits to them 100%, never wavering, even during tough circumstances.

She has consistently worked 24-hour shifts with her current client, twice a week, for the last year and a half, as well as fills in when we’re in a pinch.  She is very dependable, rarely calling in sick or showing up late to her shifts.  The office staff and her clients know they can rely on her.

Shawntoya is also wonderful at communicating with the office and keeping us updated regarding any changes in her client’s condition.  Her client’s family can relax knowing their loved one is in good hands.

Shawntoya puts her heart into caregiving. It is not just a job to her, it is who she is.  We, at HomeLife, feel very fortunate to have Shawntoya as a part of our team!  We look forward to many more years of service with her!


— Felicia Buack

    Home Care Aide Director

“Self-Care” with the Help of a Caregiver Support Group

Of the many challenges that family caregivers must face on a daily basis, perhaps the greatest—and least addressed—is the mental and emotional health of the caregivers themselves. Self-care is often the last thing that caregivers address, and living with stress, a sense of overwhelm, and bouts of depression seem to come with the job description. But self-care is not something to ignore. Just as a parent is instructed on the airplane to put the oxygen mask on themselves before their child, we must build self-care into our routine, not only for our own well-being, but for the ultimate benefit of those we care for.

An often overlooked resource that can provide both emotional support and useful advise for the caregiver are Caregiver Support Groups. These are community-based gatherings, sometimes run by a professional moderator, but often self-organized, that meet on an ongoing basis. Often, a support group can be a life-saver, allowing caregivers to talk to others who are experiencing the same challenges, and who can not only empathize, but offer valuable insights and suggestions. While friends are essential, it turns out that other primary caregivers who share your emotional and physical roller coaster ride may offer the best source of support. And even on your most frazzled days, you may be a source of help to them as well.

Caregivers in support groups report these key benefits:
• Feeling less isolated by hearing stories from others in similar situations.
• Having a space to vent and safely voice frustrations.
• Gaining a sense of empowerment and control.
• Learning new coping methods for stress.
• Getting practical advice on caregiving strategies.
• Improving caregiving ability.

Experts believe that these groups are one of the most effective ways for caregivers to cope with the stress that comes with caregiving. Unfortunately, seeking outside help can be a challenge for the typical caregiver, who often feels as though he or she must rely on themselves first and foremost. Family caregivers often isolate themselves—turning down coffee invitations, date nights and workouts at the gym. “There’s no time,” is the typical excuse. But the moment we surrender the notion of being “The One” who must handle it all and we ask for help, we immediately become a less stressed-out caregiver.  Those who have chosen to share the burden have found great benefits from the experience.

But to see these benefits, family caregivers first need to find a caregiver support group. That can be difficult if you don’t know where to start your search.

How to find a local caregiver support group

  • Local hospitals or community centers almost always have handouts with lists of local support groups. Check there first.
  • The online Enter Eldercare Locator ( is a great resource to find your local Area Agency on Aging for your city. Call them to ask about local support groups, which many include general caregiver support and respite, as well as specific needs groups such as dementia care.
  • If you find that there is not a support group in your community, partner with your local senior community organizations to start one up!

Every caregiver struggles with the day-to-day challenges of their role. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and isolated and suffering through the experience on your own, try a caregiver support group. It may just make your life easier.

—By Caren Parnes

Contributor for The Senior’s Choice

The Power of Touch in Elder Caregiving

When Kay Olson checked her husband, John, age 66, into Lakeview Ranch in Dassel, Minnesota, caregivers greeted both of them with a hug. They immediately helped John into the bathroom, washing him gently. He came out crying what he told Kay were “happy tears.” John, who suffers from dementia, was kicked out of his previous facility for aggressive behavior. He would strike out at staff members, especially if someone tried to back him into a corner to force him to take medicine. That doesn’t happen at Lakeview, where caregivers sit with residents, holding their hands or tucking them into bed at night. Since John’s eyes are often closed and he rarely talks, touch “comforts him and makes him know he’s not alone,” Kay says. Judy Berry, founder of Lakeview Ranch, says touch is an integral component of her care. She is one of many who have seen the positive impacts of touch. A growing body of research is demonstrating the merits of this basic approach.

We’re Wired to Give and Receive Touch

Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, says, as a species, humans are hardwired to give and receive touch and to benefit from it. He describes how touch triggers the activation of the orbitofrontal cortex and the release of oxytocin and endorphins, the “biological platforms of social connection.” He points to studies that show that massage has the same impact as the antidepressant Prozac, increasing levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin while reducing stress hormone levels.

Touch Can Reduce Symptoms of Illness

Tiffany Field, director of the Touch Research Institute in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Miami School of Medicine, says studies show that touch reduces pain, especially following strokes, and lowers blood pressure. A study she conducted evaluating the effectiveness of massage found significant decreases in Parkinson’s tremors. Massage therapy also decreased pacing, wandering, and combative behavior, symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Field says that many elderly patients are deprived of touch, having lost spouses, and “a lot of illnesses of the elderly may relate to their being touch deprived.”

A 2012 study in Supportive Care in Cancer showed that cancer patients, after being given a massage by their caregivers, reported reductions in pain, stress, nausea, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. “When you reduce stress and provide relaxation, all the symptoms are reduced,” says William Collinge, an author of the study. Massages also empower caregivers by providing them with a concrete way to help their loved ones, says Collinge. He says his is the first completely online caregiver education program of its kind and allows anyone to be easily trained to give an effective massage.

How to Provide the Best Use of Touch When Caregiving

Touch can be more difficult when adult children need to parent their parents, assisting with dressing them or taking them to the bathroom. Judy Berry suggests validating emotions on both ends, saying something like, “I know this is uncomfortable for both of us, but we’ll get through this together.” It’s important to recognize that not everybody is up for these tasks, and adult children should ask for help when it becomes insurmountable.

Ask permission. Say, “Can I give you a hug?” That gives the senior a sense of control and doesn’t violate their personal space, says Berry. Then, read their body language along the way to make sure they’re enjoying the experience.

Assess the senior’s nature. Some are more receptive to touch than others. Look for signs. If they recoil when you reach for their hand, don’t be insistent.

Keep it simple. The act of touch need not involve a professional-caliber massage. It can be as basic as giving a hand massage with scented lotion, says Drew.

Be passive, not aggressive. Drew suggests extending your hand and letting them take it, instead of grabbing theirs. Look them in the eye. Approach them from the front instead of behind. “All of those things help to respect the other person and let them know that they’re going to be encountering you,” she says.

By Julie Halpert, Contributor

The Rewards of Decluttering

There are obvious reasons to declutter. Safety: Clutter can trip us up. Efficiency: With declining eyesight, it gets hard to find things we use everyday. Focus: Messy environments can make it hard to process information.

Clutter is a growing problem today among all populations, and especially the elderly. To help your loved one downsize, create more room in their home and/or just make it safer to age in place, it is important to note the difference between hoarders and clutterers. Hoarders are obsessive and will often need a trained professional specializing in obsessive compulsive disorder to let go. Clutterers, the more common type, are more apt to let go with a little encouragement and support. This article deals with the latter.

Why Is It So Hard to Do?

Whether you want to pare down the stuff in your home, garage, or a storage unit, one problem is knowing where to start. The more we have, the more overwhelming it is. And for some of us the idea can be extremely anxiety-producing. A recent Yale study found that for some people, a part of our brain reacts the same way to the anticipated loss of valued possessions as it does to the idea of quitting an addiction. And there is the additional factor for  the elderly of not wanting to lose a connection with the past, whether that be old school papers or a favorite jar opener you’ve had in the family since 1969 (most of us have at least one of these things still hanging around the house!)

Some Tips for Success

  1. Get “buy in” from your loved one. Discuss the benefits for paring down, including potentially making some money from reselling your “stuff.” That can be through a yard sale, consignment shop, Craig’s List, or eBay. According to the New York Times, a well-planned garage sale typically nets between $500 and $1,000.
  2. Share the process. Come up with ways to make it an enjoyable activity you share, such as reviewing old photos or school papers together, or doing a “fashion show” to see what clothes to keep. Create incentives—such as an outing or meal after doing a certain amount of “work.”
  3. Don’t try to tackle too much at once. Help your loved one develop a strategy that addresses a room at a time, and then a single task at a time, so they are not overwhelmed. A good rule of thumb is to do no more than three hours of sorting a day, which is about how long we can sustain focus without a break.
  4. Get organized. Consider preparing three bags or boxes and labeling them Keep, Toss, and Sell/Donate. You might add a fourth box for things that need repairing, mending or dry cleaning, but don’t add more options than that. Put away what’s in your Keep pile at the end of each day and throw out or recycle what’s in your Toss pile.
  5. Be decisive. When it doubt, throw it out. Organizers often use the rule of thumb that if you haven’t used it/worn it/looked at it in a year, it’s time for it to go. When it comes to ornamental items or keepsakes, the other common standard is to only keep those things you really love and that give you pleasure. If that knick-knack your Aunt Marge gave you makes you cringe, it has no place in your home, regardless of the sentiment attached to it.
  6. Get professional help. If the job is just too big or you need direction, consider hiring a professional organizer. They can give you an overall strategy, or guide you through the process. Do a local search for “Certified Professional Organizers,” if you don’t have a referral for a professional.

Going through our possessions and ridding ourselves of things that no longer fit our lives is a process we can all benefit from. You may find that going through this process with your loved one will be a positive and rewarding experience for both of you. And you may just find you are motivated to do it for yourself as well!

—By Caren Parnes

Contributor for The Senior’s Choice

Funeral Arrangements: Decisions to Make Now

No one wants to think about dying, but it’s going to happen to each of us sooner or later. While approaching the topic of death and dying may be difficult for caregivers, family members as well as the elderly should try to organize and prepare for the end ahead of time, to reduce the stress, confusion and the necessity of making serious and sometimes confusing decisions regarding the care and disposition of a loved one.

A variety of checklists for seniors or their caregivers may help to organize funeral arrangements and decisions regarding funeral services, contacting relatives, selling a home, shutting off utilities, down to where lists of insurance policies and bank account information are kept, right on down to who will deliver the eulogy at the funeral service.

Pre-Death Planning Checklist

While this list is by no means all-inclusive, it should give you an idea or help guide you to determining what type of arrangements need to be made prior to the death of a loved one.

  1. Prepare a phone list or address list of individuals you want to be notified in the event of a terminal illness or death.
  2. Designate a trusted family member, child, or friend to serve as your executor. This person needs to have information and locations for your insurance policies, bank accounts, safety deposit boxes, and bills, so that accounts may be canceled, closed, or paid off.
  3. Place a reminder in your file to contact the Social Security Administration or the Veterans Administration of the death along with any relevant Social Security or identification numbers.
  4. Create a contact list of utility service providers, newspaper delivery, and postal service delivery for easy cancellation of services.
  5. If your parent or loved one has pets, make arrangements ahead of time about who will take on the care of those pets.

6. Designate a Durable Power of Attorney to make health care decisions in the event your parent or yourself is unable to make rational medical decisions regarding health care. At this time, make sure any Advance Directives or DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) documents are placed in an easy-to-access file and that a copy of such documents is/are made available to your parent’s physicians.

  1. As part of the funeral arrangements, ask your parent what information he or she would like provided in an obituary, or whether or not they even want one. At the same time, ask your parent to determine what type of funeral or memorial service they would prefer.
  2. Purchase burial plots or make arrangements for cremation or burial ahead of time. Discuss such arrangements with your parents or with spouses.
  3. Organize your finances ahead of time and make sure records are up-to-date and easily accessible to whomever is designated to take care of closing accounts or paying off balances. Documents should be together in one location and include bank details, life insurance policies, birth certificates, wills, deeds to the house, or any other pertinent information that may be necessary for the executor to close accounts, make payment disbursements, access funds and so forth.
  4. Talk about any special needs or requirements of your parent in regard to their burial or cremation. Do they want their ashes scattered? Do they want to be buried in a traditional casket or in the increasingly popular ” green burial” method?

Funeral Arrangements – Putting It All Together

Talking about the death of a loved one is difficult, but don’t leave things to chance.  Whether or not your parent has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, it always pays to talk about such concerns ahead of time.

Seniors and adult caregivers over 40 years of age should have some type of death planning arranged or at least in the discussion phase. Write it down, keep track of it, and designate someone to organize the information and put it together into an easily accessible format for family members.

Caregiver of the Season, Spring 2018

We wish to congratulate our Caregiver of the Season, Darlene MacDonald!

Darlene has been a dedicated caregiver with HomeLife Senior Care since July of 2016.  She came to HomeLife well experienced and even recruited a client after only working for us for a few weeks.  She excels in all areas of her duties as a caregiver.  She currently cares for three clients on a regular basis, as well as fills in for other clients when needed.  Her clients have expressed their gratitude for Darlene to the office staff, saying they appreciate her skill set and her professionalism.  Darlene is wonderful at making her clients feel secure and respected.  She is also very accommodating, keeping her schedule flexible for her clients so that she is available when they need her.

Recently, Darlene began caring for her mother-in-law who has been ill.  Even with her added responsibilities, she manages to make it to her scheduled shifts and is consistently on time.  The scheduling department doesn’t have to worry about Darlene’s attendance, which is greatly appreciated!  When Darlene takes personal time off, she gives plenty of notice and does her best to assist the scheduling department in covering her shifts.

Darlene has shown interest in advancing her caregiving knowledge by participating in voluntary in-house trainings, including a special weekend training designed to teach advanced caregivers how to be training facilitators for new caregivers.  This has prepared her to help with caregiver orientations.

Darlene is an amazing part of our HomeLife Senior Care family!  She has an extremely giving heart and does not think twice about responding to her client’s needs, whatever that may entail. We have no doubt she will continue to be a huge asset to seniors in our community.

Felicia Buack, HomeCare Aid Director

6 Tips to Prevent Senior Falls


Falls are a leading cause of injury among older adults. As you get older, physical changes and health conditions—and medications used to treat those conditions—may make falls more likely. Consider six simple fall-prevention strategies.

1. Make an appointment with your doctor

Be prepared to answer questions such as:

  • What medications are you taking? Make a list of your medications and supplements, and review with your doctor for side effects that may increase your risk of falling.
  • Have you fallen before? Write down the details, including when, where and how you fell. The details may help your doctor identify specific fall-prevention strategies.
  • Could your health conditions cause a fall? Be prepared to discuss your health conditions and how comfortable you are when you walk—for example, do you feel any dizziness, joint pain, shortness of breath, or numbness in your feet and legs when you walk? Your doctor may evaluate your muscle strength, balance and walking style (gait) as well.

2. Keep moving

Physical activity is important for fall prevention. With your doctor’s approval, consider activities such as walking or water workouts or a home exercise routine. Such activities reduce the risk of falls by improving strength, coordination and flexibility. If you have specific concerns about your risk for falling, your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist who can create a custom exercise program aimed at improving your balance, flexibility, muscle strength and gait.

3. Wear sensible shoes

Evaluate your footwear as part of your fall- prevention plan. Wear properly fitting, sturdy shoes with nonskid soles. Sensible shoes may also reduce joint pain.

4. Remove home hazards

Take a look around your home. Your living areas may be filled with hazards. To make your home safer:

  • Remove boxes, newspapers, electrical cords and phone cords from walkways.
  • Move coffee tables, magazine racks and plant stands from high-traffic areas.
  • Secure loose rugs with double-faced tape, tacks or a slip-resistant backing—or remove loose rugs from your home all together.
  • Repair loose, wooden floorboards and carpeting.
  • Store clothing, dishes, food and other necessities within easy reach.
  • Immediately clean spilled liquids or food.

5. Light up your living space

Keep your home brightly lit to avoid tripping on objects that are hard to see. Also:

  • Place night lights in your bedroom, bathroom and hallways.
  • Turn on the lights before going up or down stairs.
  • Store flashlights in easy-to-find places in case of power outages.

    6. Use assistive devices

    Your doctor might recommend using a cane or walker to keep you steady. Other assistive devices can help, too. For example:

    • Hand rails for both sides of stairways
    • Nonslip treads for bare-wood steps
    • Nonslip mats in your bathtub or shower.
    • A raised toilet seat or one with armrests
    • Grab bars for the shower or tub
    • A sturdy plastic seat for the shower or tub — plus a hand-held shower nozzle for bathing while sitting down

    If necessary, ask your doctor for a referral to an occupational therapist. He or she can help you brainstorm other fall-prevention strategies. Some solutions are easily installed and relatively inexpensive. Others may require professional help or a larger investment. If you’re concerned about the cost, remember that an investment in fall prevention is an investment in your independence.


    By Mayo Clinic Staff healthy-aging/in-depth/fall-prevention/art-20047358?pg=2

Improving Senior Financial Literacy

In 2004, the American Society on Aging sponsored a study to evaluate the financial knowledge of Americans age 50+ which included a survey of three simple yes/no questions that assessed the knowledge of the respondents on concepts such as inflation, risk diversification and interest rates.* At that time only one third of respondents could answer all three questions correctly. Since 2009, broader studies have been made within the wider population and the results were similarly dismal, but there was a clear correlation between age and a failure to understand some basic financial concepts that make up financial literacy. This is especially worrisome given that money and debt management issues are most consequential to this most vulnerable population.

This may seem an overwhelming topic to tackle, certainly for a senior at such a late stage in life, but also for their families. And while getting sound financial advice is one of the first things most money professionals recommend, that can be easier said than done. Many older adults rely on the advice of relatives, friends or neighbors, which is a strategy that as many as 70 percent of fraud victims report having used. In the end, becoming as informed as possible yourself, and then considering getting further educated by an accredited and referred professional Financial Advisor are the best first steps to improve one’s financial literacy. One online resource for understanding some of the basics is (http:/ / This site offers useful tools designed for the 50+ population

To get the ball rolling, here are several topics which seniors and their families may wish to consider when evaluating their financial health.

Know where your money’s going. Based on a 2014 survey by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, over 60% of Americans don’t have a budget. This is the first place to start in developing financial literacy. You can’t make informed choices about your money if you don’t know where it is going.

Address your debt. Now that you know where your money is going, if you carry significant debt, it’s time to develop a strategy to start eliminating it. For most seniors on a fixed budget, this means identifying expenses in your budget that you can trim, and developing strategies to change your spending habits.

Check your credit report. Because these days your credit report can impact not just your ability to get a loan, but to rent an apartment or land a job, it is critical that you check your credit report at least once a year and understand the factors that effect it. If your score is low, there are many agencies available to help you start improving it.

Understand your retirement portfolio. For those seniors with retirement portfolios, it is important to understand your risk and regularly evaluate your investment choices. While the safety of bonds has always been attractive to seniors, a perfect storm may be upon the bond market in the form of anticipated increases in interest rates, tax cuts and a ballooning national debt which will all impact the value of bonds. If your portfolio heavily favors bonds, it may be time to consider a more diversified financial plan, and evaluate whether your total living expenses could ride out a drop in value.

Be prepared. We’ve all heard the rule— you should have three to six months of expenses on hand for an emergency or change in life circumstances. If you don’t think you can get there, start somewhere. Target at least a thousand dollars to set aside so if you have an accident or car trouble you have something to fall back on.

* For more information on this study, and a more in-depth discussion on the topic of financial literacy, go to http:// blog/financial-literacy-and-financial-decision-making-older-adults.

—By Caren Parnes

Contributor for The Senior’s Choice

Caregiver of the Season, Winter 2017

We wish to congratulate our Caregiver of the Season, Pamela Dale!

Pamela has been a caregiver with us since July 24, 2015 and has done an outstanding job from the beginning!  Pam was working two jobs when she first began her employment with HomeLife and she did a wonderful job balancing the two. She made sure she was on time to her clients’ homes and worked the days she had promised us. Pamela’s exceptional dependability gives the scheduling department confidence that she will go to great lengths to ensure a client has care, even working on days she is not truly available or walking to her client’s home when her car would not start!

Pamela has worked with many clients over the past few years.  She has several permanent clients, as well as assists in filling in last minute when needed.  Whether she is with a client on a regular basis or has just met them, she makes sure to provide the office with the client’s most updated health information, voicing concerns when something seems off.

Pamela has been with a few challenging clients that needed extra time and patience.  She handled these difficult situations with grace and kindness. Her calm demeanor offers her clients the security they need.

Pamela has taken it upon herself to become more educated about her client’s health issues by attending trainings offered at the office, as well as completing numerous online courses. Now that Pamela works only for HomeLife, she has filled up every day of her calendar with shifts and I can assure you that our clients and the scheduling department are extremely thankful for her dedication!

Pamela is an exemplary employee and we are grateful she became a part of our spectacular caregiving team!  She is making a positive difference in the lives of our seniors and we are excited to see how many more lives she will touch!


– Felicia Buack, HomeCare Aid Director

Care Plans: The Secret to Confident Caregiving

Whatever your specific situation, be aware that the nature of providing care for someone can change in an instant. Therefore it can be especially beneficial to organize your myriad caregiver tasks into an plan of action. Then, should anything change, you will have a list of available resources ready to help you meet new and emerging needs. A care plan can be a casual organization tool, an informal or verbal agreement with a loved one, or a formal contract used to coordinate payment for care services. Plans can vary from daily to-do lists to detailed weekly accounts of amounts and types of care provided. The following steps can help you create your very first care plan or reevaluate your current plan.

Assess the situation

The first step in the process is an assessment of your loved one’s home environment, activities of daily living (ADLs), medical and legal documents, and financial situation, to see what is working well and what is not.

Identify needs and set goals

Based on the results of the care assessment, make a list of all concerns with the highest priorities at the top. Your loved one’s immediate health and wellbeing are the top priority, so for example if they are losing weight, this problems must be dealt with first.

Next, setting goals for their wellbeing will provide a proactive approach to ensuring their quality of life. A care plan is an ideal approach to longer-term objectives like financial, advance care, estate and funeral planning. These preparations are extremely important, so they should be a top priority to address. Your loved one’s participation in this process is paramount, as long as they are still competent to make these decisions.

Create a well-rounded care team

A caregiver shouldn’t have to coordinate and execute all of these tasks unaided. Embarking on this journey alone frequently leads to damaging caregiver burnout. The purpose of creating a care team is to gather all resources at your disposal and encourage cooperation amongst all those willing to participate in your loved one’s care. Friends, family, neighbors, and other community members are the first tier of support. The more complex medical, legal and financial aspects of a care plan are then best handled by elder care professionals such as in-home or respite care services, elder law attorneys, therapists, benefits counselors, certified public accountants (CPAs), financial advisors, social workers, and geriatric care managers, who can be valuable additions to your care team.

Match team members with solutions

Some team member’s specific tasks will be obvious. An elder law attorney will handle drafting POA and advance directive documents, whereas a financial advisor can assist with money management strategies. Assigning specific tasks to friends and family members can be a little more challenging. Make a list of possible solutions for each need in your care plan. For example, to help Dad eat healthier meals more frequently, your sister who lives nearby could provide some pre-made meals or invite him over for dinner on a regular basis, and siblings who live far away could contribute to a food delivery service to make up the difference. Try to identify each person’s abilities, and match them with feasible solutions. These can include proximity to the care recipient, free time in their schedule, monetary contributions, and skills like cooking, cleaning, and communicating.

Put your plan into action

The ultimate goal of having a care plan and care team in place is to promote communication and unified efforts for the welfare of care recipient and caregiver. Keep in mind that a care plan is an ever-evolving tool. Finding proper solutions may take some trial and error, and your loved one’s needs are likely to increase over the long term. Even if your loved one does not currently need a care plan, beginning to put these pieces of the puzzle into place early can help you avoid a great deal of stress later on. Having them keep an updated file with financial and medical records including medications, health information, and legal documents can be vital in the event of an emergency. Should something happen, you will have the fundamental materials needed to make any decisions quickly and confidently.


Urinary Tract Infections in the Elderly

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) aren’t just a nuisance in the elderly—they can cause serious health problems. A UTI happens when bacteria in the urethra, bladder or kidneys multiplies in the urine. If left untreated, a UTI can lead to acute or chronic kidney infections, which could permanently damage these vital organs and even lead to kidney failure. These common infections are also a leading cause of sepsis, a potentially life-threatening infection of the bloodstream.

Seniors Are Prone to UTIs

The population most likely to experience UTIs is the elderly. Older individuals are more vulnerable for many reasons, including their overall susceptibility to infections due to a weakened immune system. Elderly men and women also experience a weakening of the muscles of the bladder and pelvic floor, which can lead to increased urine retention (incomplete emptying of the bladder) and incontinence. These things all contribute to infection.

Typical Symptoms of UTIs are as follows: Frequent or urgent need to urinate; pain or burning during urination; urine that appears cloudy or dark; bloody urine; strong or foul-smelling urine; feelings of pressure in the lower pelvis; low-grade fever; night sweats, shaking or chills.

Lesser-Known UTI Symptoms in Seniors

Older individuals with UTIs may not exhibit any of the hallmark signs listed above because their immune systems are unable to mount a significant response to the infection. On top of the lack of noticeable symptoms, many seniors cannot express their discomfort to their caregivers.

Since aging adults’ bodies respond differently to infection, it is important to look for different signs and symptoms. One symptom of UTIs in the elderly is often mistaken for the early stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, according to National Institutes of Health (NIH). Indicators of infection in seniors include the following: Confusion or delirium; agitation; hallucinations; poor motor skills or loss of coordination; dizziness; falling; and other atypical behavior.

These are often the only symptoms that present in the elderly, so it is crucial to keep an eye out for these sudden changes in behavior and mental state.

Diagnosis & Treatment

In most cases, diagnosing and treating an elderly urinary tract infection is relatively straightforward: a simple urinalysis can confirm the infection’s presence and, for someone in good health, antibiotics are the first choice of treatment. UTIs often clear up in only a few days. But depending on the age and health of the patient—and the severity of the infection—the course of treatment can take weeks and perhaps involve hospitalization for the administration of intravenous antibiotics.

Risk Factors & Prevention

Older adults at greater risk for getting a UTI include: Those who require a catheter in the urethra and bladder; those who are diabetic; anyone with kidney stones; and, women who’ve gone through menopause.

After menopause, women produce less estrogen, which helps protect against UTIs. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or a topical estrogen cream can help protect post-menopausal women from UTIs. However HRT may increase other health risks, so may not be appropriate for all women. About 20 percent of women who’ve had a UTI will experience a second one, and 30 percent of those women will get third.

Other steps to take to reduce the risk of UTIs:

  • Drink plenty of fluids (Older adults should drink four to six 8-ounce glasses of water a day).
  • Drink cranberry juice (without added sugar) or D-Mannose tablets (which is the glucose-like compound in cranberry juice that help reduce the occurrence of UTIs.)
  • Avoid or at least limit caffeine and alcohol intake, which irritates the bladder.
  • Do not douche or use other feminine hygiene products.
  • Always wipe from front to back (for women).
  • Wear breathable cotton underwear and change them at least once a day.
  • Take showers instead of baths.

By Caren Parnes

Contributor for The Senior’s Choice

The New Senior Transportation: Ride-Sharing Services

It’s a too-common scenario for seniors: Places to go, things to see, and a life to lead—but limited mobility or the inability to drive prevents them from getting out. Fortunately, ride-hailing services such as Lyft and Uber—and a new service tailored to the needs of seniors called SilverRide (which has launched in San Francisco, CA but is planning expansion in the US)—are all addressing senior transportation with new initiatives.

The Community Transportation Association estimates that 26 million older Americans rely on others for their transportation. With the elderly population growing, this number will only increase in coming years. Not being able to drive can affect more than just self-esteem. It can take a toll on physical health as well. In fact, a 2004 report found that seniors who don’t drive make 15% fewer trips to the doctor than their driving counterparts.

Ride sharing services could close that gap. How? With a little technology, senior housing partnerships, and special services for the mobility-impaired.

How to Use Lyft and Uber

Lyft and Uber are operated via drivers using their personal vehicles. They originally gained popularity among young urban dwellers as a safe option for those who have had too much to drink. However, these personal ride sharing options expanded very quickly in geographical range and popularity of use. While these services do require a little bit of tech savvy, that shouldn’t deter seniors from taking advantage of these services. All you need to catch a ride is a smartphone with the Lyft or Uber apps. Ask your children, grandchildren or a tech-savvy friend if you need a little help downloading and setting up the app.

Once a phone is equipped with the app, Lyft and Uber are easy to use. Provide a payment method (usually a credit card or PayPal) and then just type in the address of where you want to go. The app will automatically calculate the rate for the ride, so the cost is known upfront. A driver’s description and car model will be provided, as well as the estimated time of arrival.

For more cost savings, you can take advantage of Lyft’s Lyft Line, in which you carpool with other consumers riding the same route to split the tab. Uber’s version of that option is uberPOOL.

Once at your destination, just say thank you and goodbye. The cost will be charged to your credit card. The entire transaction is handled online, so there is no need to exchange cash or give a tip (unless you want to). Ready to come home? Just perform the same action in reverse, using your home address.

Special Services for Senior Transportation

For seniors who need extra assistance, Uber offers uberASSIST. This service uses drivers who are trained to help riders get into and out of the vehicle and can accommodate folding wheelchairs, walkers and scooters.

Given that seniors with limited transportation options might need to use ride-hailing often, Lyft and Uber have both been working to develop partnerships with local senior advocates, organizations, local retirement communities and municipalities around the country with the goal of increasing affordability. In many cities, programs are being tested in which seniors can get discounted—or even free—rides due to city support. Some of these initiatives also address ride-hailing options for seniors without smartphones. Check in your area for specific options.

by Mark Edelen

Personal Care Agreements

Many families reach a point when they recognize that an ill or older relative needs more than occasional assistance—they need full-time care. But who will provide that care? The answer is usually close to home: an adult child. A child might be the default choice, or is selected because he or she lives closer or has fewer family responsibilities.

The person providing care for a loved one may make a significant sacrifice: giving up a job and employment benefits. A formal agreement among family members can provide a way to compensate a person providing care if he or she is no longer able to hold other employment. While most family members may wish to help care for a loved one, it is a job with heavy time commitments and responsibilities. One way of protecting the caregiver as well as the person receiving care is by putting the care relationship in writing. This binding agreement is most often referred to as a “personal care agreement.”

What Is a Personal Care Agreement?

The agreement is a contract, typically between a family member who agrees to provide caregiver services for a disabled or aging relative and the person receiving care. The personal care agreement is most commonly between an adult child and his/her parent, but other relatives may be involved, such as an adult grandchild caring for a grandparent.

Drawing up an agreement clarifies for a family what tasks are expected in return for a stated compensation. It can help avoid family conflicts about who will provide care and how much money will change hands. For this reason, the agreement should be discussed with other family members to resolve any concerns before an agreement is drafted.

When contracting with a family member, it is wise to treat the agreement as a legal document. If your relative is receiving state supported in-home care, the agreement will show the state where the money is going and for what kind of services. In addition, a caregiver agreement can offset potential confusion among family members concerned about bequests to heirs, and avoid misunderstandings later over the reduction of the amount of money that may be inherited.

Components of a Personal Care


A personal care agreement has three basic requirements for a person to pay a family member for care:

  1. The agreement must be in writing.
  2. The payment must be for care provided  in the future (not for services already performed).
  3. Compensation for care must be reasonable. This means tasks performed should match “reasonable”or “customary”fees typically paid to a third party for the same care in your geographic area.

A properly drafted personal care agreement will contain the following information: Date the care begins; detailed description of services to be provided, for example, “transportation and errands” (driving to medical, dental, adult day care, and other appointments) or “food preparation”; how often services will be provided (allow for flexibility in care needs by using language such as, “no less than 20 hours a week” or “up to 80 hours a month”); how much and when the caregiver will be compensated (weekly or biweekly); how long the agreement is to be in effect (the agreement should set time, such as a year or two years, or even over a person’s lifetime); a statement that the terms of the agreement can be modified only by mutual agreement of the parties in writing,; and, the location where services are to be provided (home of elder/adult with disabilities, caregiver’s own home, other location)–allow for the location of the care to change in response to increasing care receiver needs); signatures by the parties; and date of the agreement

Do I Need a Lawyer?

You don’t necessarily need to hire an attorney, but it may be advisable when entering into a contractual relationship. It depends on how complex an agreement your family requires.

A legal agreement template is available through products/elder-care/elder-care-agreements

This article was reworked from a more extensive discussion of the topic at the Caregiver’s Alliance:


Caregiver of the Season, Fall 2017

We wish to congratulate our Caregiver of the Season, Talitha Bertrand!

Talitha moved to California from Louisiana with her husband and three kids last summer. Shortly after settling into her new home, she became a caregiver at HomeLife. Talitha has made a huge impression on our clients and staff over the course of her year with us!

Talitha’s passion for caregiving began when she became the caregiver for a member of her own family. She decided she wanted to help others by providing care for the elderly in her community. Upon our first meeting with Talitha, we recognized her compassion and love for seniors and appreciated the skills she had to offer, all of which became even more apparent when she began working with our clients.

Clients and their families request her by name and praise her for the level of care she provides! She is also excellent at staying in contact with the office regarding concerns or client updates.

Talitha just recently went back to school and even though she had to make adjustments to her availability, she arranged her schedule around her clients’ schedules so she could continue caring for them. She also fills-in for other clients whenever she is able. The scheduling department knows they can count on her to help out in a pinch!

We are very thankful Talitha has become part of our wonderful caregiving team and we are excited to see the impact she will have on senior’s lives in the future!


Felicia Buack, Home Care Aide Director


The Number One Killer of Americans

Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States? Many think its cancer, but it’s not. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is number one, followed by cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke, accidents, and then Alzheimer’s disease. I discovered this surprising fact after being prompted to learn more about heart disease after my aunt experienced a serious heart attack recently. Thankfully she is going to be ok, but she will have to make some serious lifestyle changes to decrease her chances of experiencing another heart attack in the future.

My aunt is only 50 years old and there is no history of heart disease in the family. I have learned, besides family history, other risk factors include smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, lack of exercise, and stress. These factors contribute to the buildup of plaque within the arteries of the heart. According to, the most common cause of heart attack occurs when blood platelets stick to tears in the plaque and form a blood clot that blocks the blood from flowing to the heart for a long enough time that part of the heart muscle is damaged or dies. The heart of a heart attack survivor will heal within about eight weeks, but a scar will form in the damaged area. The new scar tissue will not contract, so the heart’s pumping ability is compromised. The amount of lost pumping ability depends on the size and location of the scar.

The most important thing I have learned is that it is imperative to get immediate medical treatment at the first sign of a heart attack. This could mean the difference between life and death. Many people do not recognize the symptoms of a heart attack and wait too long to call 911, causing fatal damage to their heart. Symptoms of a heart attack include:


  • Chest pain which may feel like discomfort, pressure or heaviness and may move from your chest to our arms (usually the left), your jaw, neck, belly or back.
  • Fullness, indigestion or a choking feeling.
  • Sweating, nausea, vomiting or dizziness.
  • Extreme weakness, anxiety, shortness of breath or palpitations.


Symptoms usually last 30 minutes or longer and do not go away with rest. The pain can be severe or mild. Women, the elderly, and people with diabetes are less likely to experience chest pain during a heart attack, making them less likely to recognize the signs and call for help. “Silent heart attacks” can also occur and have no symptoms.

After a heart attack, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions to prevent another attack. Treatment will likely include medication, a heart healthy diet, exercise, quitting smoking, controlling stress and instructions on what to do if you experience symptoms again.   Heart disease is something everyone should take seriously and educate themselves about, especially those over the age of 50. Ultimately, the best prevention you have against a heart attack is taking care of your body by eating healthy and exercising. The best defense against a heart attack fatality is educating yourself about the symptoms so you will recognize the signs and get immediate help if one does occur.


By Amber Triebull

Create Your All-Star Care Team in 5 Steps

What family caregivers often need most is sound advice, regular respite and an extra set of hands.

Friends may scatter when one becomes the primary caregiver for a spouse or parent, and not everyone has siblings or other family members they can depend on to share the load. A carefully selected care team is a necessary complement to a loved one’s detailed care plan.

Step 1: Draft a list of prospective team members

Write down the name of each family member, friend or neighbor with whom you regularly interact. Forego any initial judgements or doubts about their usefulness in your care plan—just let the ideas flow.

Step 2: Assess each individual’s strengths

Assess the strong suit of each person on your list. Is your best friend financially savvy? Can your cousin listen to you vent for as long as you need to without interrupting or casting judgement? Does your neighbor offer to help keep an eye on Mom when she’s tinkering outside in the garden? Each of these people have specific talents or capabilities that can help you execute your care plan. However, be sure to factor in each person’s attitude before making them a part of your care team. Your sister may have plenty of free time to help drive Dad to and from doctor’s appointments, but if she brings negativity or criticism to your regular routine, then the drawbacks may outweigh the benefits of her contribution.

Step 3: Create your all-star care team

Revise your remaining list to create a foolproof roster of people who will assist you with caregiving and day to day tasks. Do not include anyone who may make your duties more difficult or complicated. This is your go-to tool for getting outside help whether it is planned well in advance or needed last-minute due to an urgent situation. Include each person’s contact information and, if possible, an outline of their weekly schedule. This will help you quickly reference when a team member is available to pitch in.

Step 4: Assign roles for each member

Now identify specific tasks in your care plan that would be a good fit for each team member. It is best for caregivers to be very specific about what kinds of assistance they would appreciate. For example, if your son lives nearby, ask if he can tend to yardwork or any home maintenance projects once or twice each month. If you struggle to prepare dinner on Wednesdays, (your busiest day of the week) see if Mom’s friend from church can pick her up for a weekly dinner date. The goal of creating this team is to be able to meet your loved one’s needs (as well as your own) without every single responsibility falling solely on your shoulders.

Step 5: Add some pros to your team

Relatives and friends aren’t the only people a caregiver should have on their care team. There are a number of specialists who can help you make caregiving go as smoothly as possible. without running yourself into the ground.

A reputable financial planner can assist with complicated fiscal decisions, an elder law attorney can ensure that you and your loved one are legally prepared for the road ahead, and a geriatric care manager can coordinate and advocate for the care your loved one deserves.

Furthermore, any remaining gaps in your care plan can also be filled by paid caregivers and other services. If you decide to return to the workforce, but have no one to supervise your loved one during the day, opt for home care or adult day care services. If housekeeping rarely fits into your daily or weekly routine, then arrange to have these tasks added to your home care professional’s responsibilities, or hire a cleaning service. Healthy meal delivery, pre-sorted prescription medications, and transportation services can all help to simplify your schedule.

A comprehensive care team not only assists a caregiver in executing their duties, it also helps to ensure that, should something happen to them, there is a safety net in place to continue providing care for their loved one. The more support a caregiver has, the less likely they are to experience burnout and the more sustainable their care plan will be.


By Ashley Huntsberry-Lett

First Aid Kit for Seniors Living at Home

First aid is an important consideration when caring for an elderly person at home. It is important to know that seniors are more vulnerable to accidents and injuries since they often lack strength, flexibility and can have brittle bones.  Also, their sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste may have declined, making them more vulnerable to accidents. It is very important that the elderly take care of their skin as well, because they are more susceptible to skin infections and disease due to natural changes in aging skin. These changes make the skin less elastic, thinner and dryer allowing more injures while also being slow to heal.

What to Put in Your First Aid Kit

It is important to keep a well-stocked first aid kit on hand. You can purchase a kit or create one of your own. You can create one using a portable file box that can be found at any office supply store or large discount store. Be sure to keep your first aid kit someplace where it can be located quickly and be sure to give it a regular check up by replacing expired items and updating informational lists.

Creating a list of insurance information, medical contacts, and medications could prove to be a very helpful addition to your first aid kit. We often have trouble trying to remember things in the event of an emergency, which is why adding procedures for specific conditions would also be a great asset to your first aid kit.

In being prepared for emergencies let’s take a look at what a first aid kit should have in it:

  • Thermometer
  • Antiseptic solution or wipes, such as hydrogen peroxide, povidone-iodine or chlorhexidine
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Calamine lotion for stings or poison ivy
  • Hydrocortisone cream or ointment
  • Cotton balls and swabs
  • Band-Aids in assorted sizes including knee and elbow sizes
  • Latex gloves (these should be worn any time you may be at risk of contact with blood or body fluid of any type)
  • Triangular bandages for wrapping injuries and making arm slings
  • Thermal patches
  • Instant cold pack
  • Gauze tape, and Ace bandages
  • Hand sanitizer or soap
  • Tweezers, scissors, safety pins and needle
  • Eye goggles and sterile eyewash such as a saline solution
  • Pain and fever medicines, such as aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen
  • Decongestants to treat nasal congestion
  • Anti-nausea medicine to treat motion sickness and other types of nausea
  • Anti-diarrhea medicine
  • Antacid to treat upset stomach
  • Laxative to treat constipation
  • First aid manual
  • The Senior’s medication list with dosage and times taken
  • Phone numbers for emergency contact, doctors, pharmacy, and insurance information.
  • If needed: blood pressure monitor, oximeter, blood sugar meter and/or AED (Automated External Defibrillator.
  • Medical forms such as living will, DNR, or advance directives.  When traveling, take the kit with you. You may want to add a blanket, flashlight with extra batteries, medical consent forms, and a medical history form. For specific medical conditions, be sure to include any necessary equipment and instructional information. If you elect to keep a separate travel first aid kit, be sure to copy and include all medical information.

Purchasing a First Aid Kit

The American Red Cross and many drugstores sell first aid kits with many of these items. Remember, for the kit to be useful, you need to know how to use it. You may want to take a Red Cross first aid course or at least purchase a first aid manual to learn first aid basics.


By Caren Parnes

Contributor for The Senior’s Choice

Summer Activities for Seniors & Caregivers

Enjoying the warm summer temperatures doesn’t have to be a distant memory for elders and caregivers. Finding an interesting activity that is suitable for a senior’s abilities may take some creativity and planning, but it is well worth switching up the routine and getting out of the house.

The Benefits of Getting Outside. A main advantage of heading outdoors, even for a short period of time, is being able to soak up some sunlight. Sun exposure generates vitamin D, which is necessary for a healthy brain, bones and muscles. Getting out also enables elders to socialize with new people, and be stimulated by new experiences and environments.

Ideas for Outdoor Activities. When selecting activities to do with your loved one, focus on hobbies and interests that they used to enjoy. What is something they always wanted to try? Don’t be afraid to ask what they miss doing or what they’d like to revisit. Have a couple of suggestions prepared to choose from and head outside to enjoy the day together.

Catch a sporting event. Attending a grandchild’s soccer game or a professional baseball game can be an action-packed way for your loved one to reconnect with a favorite pastime.

Fish for fun. You can cast a rod from a dock, pier, or other location, even if someone has mobility problems or uses a wheelchair. Check your state’s or province’s tourism websites to see if they provide listings of accessible fishing locations.

Be a tourist. If you live in a city, take an open-air bus or trolley tour to see the local sights. Another option could be a boat tour, depending on what type of equipment an elder needs to take with them. A Sunday drive around town can also allow a senior to check out happenings in the community that interest them. This could be a neighborhood rummage sale, farmers market, community event or even just blooming flowers and trees.

Take a dip. If a senior is willing and able, spending some time in a pool is an excellent way for them to incorporate some physical activity into their routine that seems more like relaxing than a workout.

Stroll around. If a walk is possible, start slow and work up to longer outings. Either keep the first few walks short, or bring along a walker or wheelchair in case your loved one gets tired and needs to rest along the way or requires help getting back.

Be an animal lover. This could be as simple as encouraging a loved one to sit outside and enjoy the sights and sounds, or could mean an outing to the zoo or local dog park. There are plenty of options for seniors who enjoy animals to get outside and either interact with or observe nature.

Picnic outdoors. Picnics are another flexible activity that you can plan at a park, in your own backyard, or on the surrounding grounds of a long-term care facility. At the park, seniors can watch children run around and enjoy the buzz of outdoor activity. Make sure to locate an area with comfortable seating and plenty of shade in advance, or remember to bring your own.

Go out for a treat. Most seniors have a favorite place to eat that picks their spirits right up. Instead of limiting this indulgence to special occasions or the post-doctor’s appointment routine, make an outing out of it “just because.” This could consist of a coffee and pastry from a favorite breakfast spot, or a lunch special from the diner around the corner. If the weather is nice, enjoy your goodies at a patio table.

Older bodies don’t adjust to temperature changes or perceive thirst as well as younger ones. With each of these activities, be sure to watch your loved one for signs of fatigue, thirst, sunburn, and overheating that could signal it’s time to leave, perhaps with a promise to return at another time.


—By Caren Parnes

Contributor for The Senior’s Choice